71 Things your child needs to know before Kindergarden
Personal and Social Development
Approach to learning
- Shows eagerness and curiosity as a learner
- Persists in task and seeks help when encountering a problem
- Is generally pleasant and cooperative
- Follows rules and routines
- Manages transitions (going from one activity to the next)
- Demonstrates normal activity level
Interactions with Others
- Interacts easily with one or more children
- Interacts easily with familiar adults
- Participates in group activities
- Plays well with others
- Takes turns and shares
- Cleans up after play
Conflict Resolution
- Seeks adult help when needed to resolve conflicts
- Uses words to resolve conflicts
Language and Literacy
- Listens with understanding to directions and conversations
- Follows one-step directions
- Follows two-step directions
- Speaks clearly enough to be understood without contextual clues
- Relates experiences with some understanding of sequences of events
Literature and Reading
- Listens with interest to stories read aloud
- Shows interest in reading-related activities
- Retells information from a story
- Sequences three pictures to tell a logical story
- Uses pictures to communicate ideas
- Uses scribbles, shapes, and letter-like symbols to write words or ideas
Alphabet Knowledge
- Recites/sings alphabet
- Matches upper-case letters
- Matches lower-case letters
- Identifies upper-case letters
- Identifies lower-case letters
Mathematical Thinking
Patterns and Relationships
- Sorts by color, shape, and size
- Orders or seriates several objects on the basis of one attribute
- Recognizes simple patterns and duplicates them
Number concept and operations
- Rote counts to 20
- Counts objects with meaning to 10
- Matches numerals
- Identifies by naming, numerals 0-10
Geometry and spatial relations
- Identifies 4 shapes- circle, square, rectangle, triangle
- Demonstrates concepts of positional/directional concepts (up/down, over/under, in/out, behind/in front of, beside/between, top/bottom, inside/outside, above/below, high/low, right/left, off/on, first/last, far/near, go/stop).
- Shows understanding of and uses comparative words (big/little, large/small, short/long, tall/short, slow/fast, few/many, empty/full, less/more.
Physical Development
Gross-Motor Skills
- Pedals and steers a tricycle
- Jumps in place, landing on two feet
- Jumps consecutively- 7 jumps
- Balances on one foot for 5 seconds
- Hops on one foot 2-3 hops
- Hops on one foot- 6 ft.
- Throws a ball with direction- 5 ft.
- Catches a thrown ball with arms and body
- Climbs a playground ladder
- Skips smoothly for 20 feet
Fine-Motor Skills
- Stacks 10, one-inch blocks
- Strings 4 1/2″ beads in two minutes
- Completes a seven piece interlocking puzzle
- Makes a pancake, snake, and ball from playdough
- Grasps pencil correctly
- Copies: vertical line, horizontal line, circle, cross, square, V, triangle
- Copies first name
- Prints first name without a model
- Grasps scissors correctly
- Cuts within 1/4″ of a 6″ straight line on construction paper
- Cuts out a 3″ square on construction paper
- Cuts out a 3″ triangle on construction paper
- Cuts out a 3″ circle on construction paper
- Uses a glue stick appropriately
- Uses appropriate amount of glue for tasks
The Arts
Creative Arts
- Identifies 10 colors: red, yellow, blue, green, orange, purple, black, white, brown, pink
- Uses a variety of art materials for tactile experience and exploration
- Participates in group music experiences
- Participates in creative movement/dance
Creative Dramatics
- Makes believe with objects
- Takes on pretend roles and situations