唱給媽媽的歌(video & Picture)

本文內容已被 [ Gardenia_On_The_Bay ] 在 2012-05-11 20:02:16 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.


My son's pre-school class today held a Mommy & Me breakfast in celebration of the upcoming Mother's Day.

All the kids were quite excited and happy to see their mommies. One of the kids wasn't so cheerful, because his mommy could not make it. Never underestimate how much little things like this would mean to a little kid!

Each kid made a card and a little flower in a vase for his/her mommy, and they were set on the table. Before the breakfast, the kids performed a song for their mommies.. Here is a clip..

At the end of the song, my son loudly requested, "Mommy, I want to sit on your lap", which attracted a few laughter..

We had breakfast together with him on my lap :-).. It was a great breakfast.

When I went to pick him up in the afternoon, he showed me this necklace as another gift for Mommy..

Happy Mother's Day to all the mommies!


- Can You Bring Me?

- Inspired By Plants vs. Zombies(Pictures)

- Ladybug Girl & Bumble Bee Boy (Picture)

