You shouldn't feel upset when she asked you to leave

回答: 因為阿姨讓wo離開不開心mscs2012-05-08 10:47:49

We were asked to leave within 5 minutes from the second week, and can't return to DC in the middle of day, if we want to bring lunch or extra clothing, we have to hand it to the teachers without being noticed by the kids (your kid and other kids), reason:

1) When your kid sees you in the middle of the day, she will cry (most likely) and want to leave with you, it doesn't help them adapt to the DC

2) If Other kids see you, they would question why my parents are not here, if your kid is crying and some other kids will cry, then it will cause big trouble for the teacher.

So, I don't see anything wrong for your DC. Know the rules of the DC first, and follow the rules even you can't understand.
