
本文內容已被 [ Gardenia_On_The_Bay ] 在 2012-03-05 21:06:32 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.

My son is a little shy of 5 years old and will soon be a kindergartner. Drawing has never been his strong suit :-). It is certainly true that every kid is different, even for those who come from the same womb. As I recall, when his sister was at his age, she could draw pretty well for her age..

However, I was pretty amazed to see the few new drawings my son had produced recently, not so much on the technique but on the imagination and the overall layout of each drawing. Each was entirely of his own creation.

#1 - this is his rendition of the Angry Bird. 8 pigs in the picture corresponding to the number 8 as well.. He certainly counted correctly:-)

#2 - Chinese words spinning around..

#3 - Hal Jordon, the Green Lantern, battling a robot. The robot accidently fired three missles all of which went "BOOM"..Hal is the one with a green dot on the chest...


#4 - Fish and submarines.. I guess there are two submarines and the rest are fish :-)

#5 - Candy machine pumping out candies to a basket.. The machine is surrounded by little dots above and below..

All these may look silly, but I guess, they certainly look different through the pair of Mommy's eyes :-).

The End.

You are welcome to check out my blog at http://blog.wenxuecity.com/myindex/58070/


