1。Situation is serious. This is definitely a worse accident than Three Mile Island. TMI only affected one reactor and there was almost no contamination outside the plant. At Daiichi at least 4, potentially all 6 reactors at the site are facing serious problems and there is high level of radiations LOCALLY at the site (not outside the 20-30 km protection area, there levels are low).
2。No-where close to a Chernobyl event. At Chernobyl the reactor blew-up and a 10 day fire spread large volumes of contaminated materials over large distances. At Daiichi the reactor is surrounded by a concrete structure and the reactor is a water moderated reactor whereas Chernobyl was graphite moderated. Thus there is no graphite to sustain the fire and there is a protection vessel surrounding the reactor so a Chernobyl event is very unlikely.
3。Reestablish cooling is the key. It takes 4-5 days to cool/slow down a reactor to a stable level. For this you need water and this has been the problem. They have not managed to keep the fuel rods in water all the time and this is critical and improving cooling water supply is the current focus.
4。The spent fuel storages, not the reactor, the currently most serious problem. Fuel in the reactors are probably melting down and some fuel could potentially leave the reactor into the ground and then leak out. This is a serious scenario, but likely to only have local effects possibly in the 20-30 km protection zone. The main worry is instead the storage facilities for spent fuel. They are located outside of the concrete protection vessel and they now overheat. Wouldn't they manage to reestablish cooling, there could be a fire and significant radioactive substances could come into the air. If they manage to reestablish cooling this issue should stabilise in 2 days.
5。The people on the site deserve our thoughts: The engineers/firemen working at the site are exposed to extreme danger with high radiation levels and constant exlosion risk. They deserve our support.