Ahh, I know where you are

回答: 哈哈哈,住釣魚島上。Emmajapan2014-10-06 23:36:37

In Melbourne where it rains cats and dogs in the winter, so the grass is super green everywhere.

In contrast, in the summer, no rain and only hot, hot everywhere so the grass turns yellow...

Anyway, nice to see you mate...


我住在最適合人類居住的城市, -Emmajapan- 給 Emmajapan 發送悄悄話 Emmajapan 的博客首頁 (138 bytes) () 10/07/2014 postreply 01:21:13

你就不能少說兩句啊,我忙的S的心都有了。 -Emmajapan- 給 Emmajapan 發送悄悄話 Emmajapan 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/07/2014 postreply 03:35:37

送給你一根繩子 -zaizai- 給 zaizai 發送悄悄話 zaizai 的博客首頁 (104 bytes) () 10/07/2014 postreply 05:55:52
