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10 of 15 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Debunker film June 6, 2009
By Bernardo G. Cavaliere
Format:DVD|Amazon Verified PurchaseIf you feel you are not getting the straight poop on the story re/ the camps in WW2, then this is one not to miss! Dr. Toben is the MAN!!!
He uses his razor sharp intellect and analytic research skills to uncover and debunk many of the myths surrounding the German internment camps for various prisoners during the war. Watch with an open mind and become liberated from the guilt mongering death worshipping NWO money pig media monster that would forever have us mourn and worship less than 10% of the dead of WW2!!! After watching this you will be reminded of a line from Monty Python and the Holy Grail... " are we going to stand around and worry about who killed who, this is supposed to be a festive occasion!" (I paraphrase).
Let us never again poison another generation of youth with this useless guilt trip re/ a handful of the dead! Stalin made Hitler look like a school girl when it came to mass murder! as did Mao! Check out "The Soviet Story" also if you want to know more about this subject, and also "The Katyn Forrest Massacre". Evil is a human characteristic and is now being used by the IDF against the Palestinians... I would like to hear more about todays genocides than the old school stuff, and Toben liberates us from any more kvetching about yesterdays dead!
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21 of 33 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Zionists better hope the public never sees this! October 26, 2007
By Thoth Amon
Format:DVDThis video details all the lies perpetrated by Zionists who have been trying to portray themselves as 'victims' of a non-existent holocaust.
There are so many details disproving the mainstream version of the holocau$t in this video, such as:
1. How the "6 million persecuted Jews" was an idea actually created in 1919...14 years before Hitler was even known.
2. How Britain was used by the Zionists to coax America into the war.
3. How the International Jews actually declared war on Germany first, and thusly were the first ones to declare war in WWII, thereby making the start of the second World War their fault.
4. Proof is also shown that none of the camps were used to kill Jews with poison gas.
5. Documents are shown from that time period proving that the holocau$t was a lie that was already being fabricated and spread.
6. The so-called "death camps" which had recreational swimming pools, libraries, plumbing, an orchestra, kitchens, football fields, full meals, and other luxuries which would never be offered to anyone who was simply going to be put to death.
7. A Jewish man is interviewed also and it is clear to even the most casual observer that he is lying about what he 'saw.'
8. Proof that no bodies were ever cremated, as the mostly jewish holocau$t historians claim (they claim that 15,000 bodies burned up in minutes when according to cremation experts burning ONE human body - which is 75% H2O - takes at least 8 hours).
....and MUCH more.
I was raised on nothing but $chindler's List and other Zionist holocau$t tales, this video blew my mind and was a breath of fresh air and logic as opposed to the pro-Zionist version which now seems more like a bad Hollywood horror movie than reality.
It certainly brings to light who the real "revisionists" are.
A MUST-SEE for any WW2 enthusiast!