
本帖於 2011-11-04 00:00:48 時間, 由普通用戶 semin 編輯


Human Development Index (HDI) - 2011 Rankings

Very High
Human Development

  1. Norway
  2. Australia
  3. Netherlands
  4. United States
  5. New Zealand
  6. Canada
  7. Ireland
  8. Liechtenstein
  9. Germany
  10. Sweden
  11. Switzerland
  12. Japan
  13. Hong Kong, China (SAR)
  14. Iceland
  15. Korea (Republic of)
  16. Denmark
  17. Israel
  18. Belgium
  19. Austria
  20. France
  21. Slovenia
  22. Finland
  23. Spain
  24. Italy
  25. Luxembourg
  26. Singapore
  27. Czech Republic
  28. United Kingdom
  29. Greece
  30. United Arab Emirates
  31. Cyprus
  32. Andorra
  33. Brunei Darussalam
  34. Estonia
  35. Slovakia
  36. Malta
  37. Qatar
  38. Hungary
  39. Poland
  40. Lithuania
  41. Portugal
  42. Bahrain
  43. Latvia
  44. Chile
  45. Argentina
  46. Croatia
  47. Barbados

Human Development

  1. Uruguay
  2. Palau
  3. Romania
  4. Cuba
  5. Seychelles
  6. Bahamas
  7. Montenegro
  8. Bulgaria
  9. Saudi Arabia
  10. Mexico
  11. Panama
  12. Serbia
  13. Antigua and Barbuda
  14. Malaysia
  15. Trinidad and Tobago
  16. Kuwait
  17. Libya
  18. Belarus
  19. Russian Federation
  20. Grenada
  21. Kazakhstan
  22. Costa Rica
  23. Albania
  24. Lebanon
  25. Saint Kitts and Nevis
  26. Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
  27. Bosnia and Herzegovina
  28. Georgia
  29. Ukraine
  30. Mauritius
  31. The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
  32. Jamaica
  33. Peru
  34. Dominica
  35. Saint Lucia
  36. Ecuador
  37. Brazil
  38. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  39. Armenia
  40. Colombia
  41. Iran (Islamic Republic of)
  42. Oman
  43. Tonga
  44. Azerbaijan
  45. Turkey
  46. Belize
  47. Tunisia

Human Development

  1. Jordan
  2. Algeria
  3. Sri Lanka
  4. Dominican Republic
  5. Samoa
  6. Fiji
  7. China
  8. Turkmenistan
  9. Thailand
  10. Suriname
  11. El Salvador
  12. Gabon
  13. Paraguay
  14. Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
  15. Maldives
  16. Mongolia
  17. Moldova (Republic of)
  18. Philippines
  19. Egypt
  20. Occupied Palestinian Territory
  21. Uzbekistan
  22. Micronesia (Federated States of)
  23. Guyana
  24. Botswana
  25. Syrian Arab Republic
  26. Namibia
  27. Honduras
  28. Kiribati
  29. South Africa
  30. Indonesia
  31. Vanuatu
  32. Kyrgyzstan
  33. Tajikistan
  34. Viet Nam
  35. Nicaragua
  36. Morocco
  37. Guatemala
  38. Iraq
  39. Cape Verde
  40. India
  41. Ghana
  42. Equatorial Guinea
  43. Congo
  44. Lao People's Democratic Republic
  45. Cambodia
  46. Swaziland
  47. Bhutan

Human Development

  1. Solomon Islands
  2. Kenya
  3. São Tomé and Príncipe
  4. Pakistan
  5. Bangladesh
  6. Timor-Leste
  7. Angola
  8. Myanmar
  9. Cameroon
  10. Madagascar
  11. Tanzania (United Republic of)
  12. Papua New Guinea
  13. Yemen
  14. Senegal
  15. Nigeria
  16. Nepal
  17. Haiti
  18. Mauritania
  19. Lesotho
  20. Uganda
  21. Togo
  22. Comoros
  23. Zambia
  24. Djibouti
  25. Rwanda
  26. Benin
  27. Gambia
  28. Sudan
  29. Côte d'Ivoire
  30. Malawi
  31. Afghanistan
  32. Zimbabwe
  33. Ethiopia
  34. Mali
  35. Guinea-Bissau
  36. Eritrea
  37. Guinea
  38. Central African Republic
  39. Sierra Leone
  40. Burkina Faso
  41. Liberia
  42. Chad
  43. Mozambique
  44. Burundi
  45. Niger
  46. Congo (Democratic Republic of the)


The HDI rankings featured above were published in the Human Development Report 2011, "Sustainability and Equity: A Better Future for All". Information about theHDI. PDF versionPDF Inline (GIF)Table 1 - Human Development Index and its components[92 KB].


中國 101位、殘念! -小辣椒- 給 小辣椒 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 11/04/2011 postreply 00:04:52

如果有世界城市的RANKING就好了 -隨風而來- 給 隨風而來 發送悄悄話 隨風而來 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/04/2011 postreply 02:17:12

回複:如果有世界城市的RANKING就好了 -semin- 給 semin 發送悄悄話 semin 的博客首頁 (12291 bytes) () 11/04/2011 postreply 03:26:24

記得大阪好像是12位啊 -小辣椒- 給 小辣椒 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 11/06/2011 postreply 16:18:21
