回複:請幫忙看看,after car accident,該如何和對方保險公司打交道?

base on my experience:
whose fault? if it is yours, you can fix it any time. if it is the other person's: since his insurance co already sent investigator to check your car, and sent you the loss report, you can repair your car now. but call the insurance co to make sure which auto shop you can go, some co only pay for certain company. if you want to rent a car, you should also talk to them, they may ask you to rent only from certain company. so, basically, you can go ahead to repair your car, not to wait for the claim department. the only catch is you don't know how much they are going to pay you. but if you go their designed place, it shouldn't be a problem. you should call them, and write down the date and contact person's name and extension number. it is better to find the same person.
