I have the following coverage:

Bodily Injury Liability – The policy pays when you or a family member are legally liable for causing bodily injury to another person. It also pays court defense costs. Property Damage Liability – The policy pays when you or a family member are legally liable for causing damage to someone else's property. It also pays court defense costs. Underinsured Motorists – Bodily Injury – The policy pays for injuries you or a family member receive from an uninsured or underinsured motorist (coverage cannot be higher than Bodily Injury Liability). Underinsured Motorists – Property Damage – The policy pays for damage to your property from an uninsured or underinsured motorist (coverage cannot be higher than Property Damage Liability). Personal Injury Protection (PIP) – The policy pays medical expenses, income loss, and benefits for extra expenses for you, members of your household, and guests in your car in case of accidental injury or death. You must have Liability coverage to purchase PIP. Collision – The policy pays for damage to your car from collision or upset regardless of fault, subject to your deductible. Comprehensive – The policy pays for damage to your car other than collision or upset, subject to your deductible. This includes fire, theft, vandalism, and glass breakage.


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    回複:I have the following coverage: -Bodd- 給 Bodd 發送悄悄話 (237 bytes) () 07/24/2007 postreply 02:44:48
