I140 EB1A Passed!Taxas Center.

RD: 6/9/2005
AD: 6/24/2005

EB1A. No Lawyer.

1. I140 Form.$190.00.
2. CV.
3. Copy of PH.D. Diploma.
4. Reference Letters:
7 from US: 2 from NASA centers, 2 from national labs, three from universities.
5 from outside US: three from China, one from Japan, and one from Austria.

7 independent letters.
5. 18 English Publications.
6. 57 Citations.
7. 7 Journal Submissions.
8. 40 Meeting Presentations.
9. Reviwe for Three Journals.
10. Offer Letter from **** National Laboratory.
11. Offer Letter from NASA **** Center.
12. Two Professional Memberships.
13. Work Plans in the US.
14. Supplement Document:
Copy of passport, VISA, H1-B letter and I94.
Photocopy certification.

One extra page to describe myself and work in the cover letter besides the list above.

Thanks everybody who has contributed to this forum.

Hope good luck to everyone!


回複:I140 EB1A Passed!Taxas Center. -febear- 給 febear 發送悄悄話 (17 bytes) () 06/25/2005 postreply 14:54:43

Thank you!!! -XXTR- 給 XXTR 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 06/25/2005 postreply 14:58:17

回複:I140 EB1A Passed!Taxas Center. -yourcase.- 給 yourcase. 發送悄悄話 (27 bytes) () 06/26/2005 postreply 09:56:52
