U will be a postdoc soon, and if you want to file H1B on your own, then you have got to learn to google.
Not everything is asked and then answered.
Is the Diploma Required to File for H1B?
Many students try to change from student status to H1B. Since H1Bs require that one have a bachelor's degree or above (or equivalent), the question was asked whether it is enough to complete the degree or is the actual paper diploma required. There is sometimes a delay between degree completion and graduation / receipt of the physical diploma. With the H1B cap issues faced by many new graduates, the need to avoid delay in H1B filing is vital.
The NSC responded that it should be sufficient to simply submit a letter from the university stating that all degree requirements have been completed. They also recommend submitting transcripts, whether or not the diploma has been received, as they reflect the actual course work completed.
u really should learn to googl
Thx. Could you share your expe
(102 bytes)
06/01/2005 postreply
sorry. Not H1, just googled
(0 bytes)
06/01/2005 postreply
H1 is employment based..need
(143 bytes)
06/01/2005 postreply