my opinion

來源: WorthIt 2005-05-24 20:23:01 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (2575 bytes)
回答: 好心人幫我看看我的I-140 PRE,我急死啦!1402005-05-24 13:28:11
Good points,"na"

but I do not think the further evidence must be prior to the date you submitted I140 in response to RFE since this is not an appealing case.

Based on my understanding and experience, I would make the following suggestions for your reference.

1): provide new publications if any.

2): Are you a PI, co-PI or key member of any grants sponsored by goverment agencies or other agencies? If so, mention that in your petition letter or get the letters from the project PI with whom you are working with or supporting letters from research department where you used to work to indicate that you were a PI or co-PI of certain research projects. These letters is a clear evidence to show you are outstanding.

3): It seemed the award you provided did not match the image in the mind of immigration officers. This may reslut from the two reasons. One is that your award is indeed below national or international levels. The other one is that you did not describe your award properly or you were too modest to amplify your award so the officer underestimated the importance of your award even if it actually is an outstanding one. If the latter is true, you may give a more explanations about your award, such as how the award was evaluated, who issued the award, and most imoprtant thing is among how many candiates (1% or one thousandth) you were selected to receive such award. This is a critical data to show if you are outstanding.

4): find new citations of your works, try to get recommendation letters from the people who cited your work all over the world. Those guys are right persons who can give valuable and convincible evaluation of your work. It is the right way to show you are of internatinal recognition in your feild of study.

5): If you have ever been asked by your boss or any other professors to help review some peer's work, if so, just ask for the letter from him/her to mention that and supporting your claim.

6): As to the membership, full membership in Sigma Xi is a great one. look at the introduction of this society, you will find a lot of Nobel prize receivers are or once were the members of this society.

If you are listed in the directory of Who's who, that will be anothe great one.

7) while prepare the response to the current RFE, you may file another petition in different category such as NIW as mentioned in some upstairs' post. Your background i guess is good enough to NIW application if your work can be linked to national interest.

Good luck.


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