回複:回複:got h1b 3yrs multiple entries

來源: bsad121024 2003-11-28 20:31:00 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (485 bytes)
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回答: got h1b 3yrs multiple entriesbsad1210242003-11-28 19:52:00
I came to pick up my maple card and applied H1 visa at U.S. consulate. I did not do anything special, just prepared everything listed on the appointment letter. The officer was nice and very experienced. Before she gave me visa, she requested me to renew my passport, because my passport was 4 days less than 6 month validity. She checked employment letter, pay checks, LCA, I-129 petition, diploma and EAD card; asked question about practical training. That's all.



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