Q1: Canada PR has nothing to do with H1B visa application. Maybe you can try US embassy in Canada for your H1B visa. I heard a lot successful examples. If you can get it, you don't need to apply in China. Even though you can't get it, you can still try it in China. But you can finish your landing. My experiences told me that the VOs in China are the worst ones.
Q2: Some says that you need to send your passport within 30 days after you received your 3rd letter. My 3rd letter doesn't have such time limit. How about yours?
回複:急請教: H1B 護照上有加拿大移民VISA, 回中國簽證
回複:回複:急請教: H1B 護照上有加拿大移民VISA,
(105 bytes)
05/03/2005 postreply
回複:回複:急請教: H1B 護照上有加拿大移民VISA, 回中國簽證
(328 bytes)
05/03/2005 postreply
goodlktou, please come in!
(332 bytes)
05/03/2005 postreply
回複:goodlktou, please come in!
(105 bytes)
05/03/2005 postreply