1. 我們大多數不熟悉綠卡申請的過程,許多都是道聽途說,而且每個人有每個人不同的經曆。mostly I agree, but after so many people around you who are succeful, this problem would be overcome.
2. 推薦信你沒有辦法潤色得那麽好;cover letter你不可能包裝的那麽出色。你的母語畢竟不是英文;我們實驗室裏有歐洲人都是自己申請也搞定了,但是畢竟英文功底不一樣。不過我們實驗室的印度人也是趙的中國律師辦的;好像美國律師收費更高。No, at least my ref letters all from my hands and lawyer did not change anything, so to many my friends
3. I-140 和 I-485的表格那麽多,你自己用手寫不工整好看,即使用PDF或者是電子大自己打印,費時間,效果不好;yes or no, if you are computer blind, true, but I do not think this will affect the results
4. 不可否認律師都是為了賺錢,但是商品社會,有需求才有服務。但是一個好律師(指的是業務而已)的確能夠把你包裝的好一點。Maybe only package secrets, make envelop good looking, but everybody can do
5. 現在的律師費用好想都長起來了,尤其是休斯敦地區,好像由於TSC前兩個月I-140 approved 的比較多。基本上現在是4000-5000美刀。不算各種表格的filing fee,體檢,照相,配偶子女的EAD, 485綠卡附加費等等。I do not know what you want to say, you mean because they are really good, ten higher price, did you count inflation
6. 我的case 總共花了5800刀;現在485 pending. 剛剛地交不到一個月。總的來講,我覺得他們還是比較仔細認真的。我還是比較滿意。You did your 485 by youself? no way, that is only filling work. around me 90% people do by themself, unless doing concuurently
7. 沒有人覺得花一筆大錢而開心,但是隻要能夠順利就可以了。but once you knew you could have done it by yourself, you will fell pain (mynot be you, but many people)
關於律師的作用,我認為還是應該 NOT 肯定的。
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04/14/2005 postreply
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04/14/2005 postreply
回複:關於律師的作用,我認為還是應該 NOT 肯定的。
(24 bytes)
04/14/2005 postreply
可用可不用, 讀完法學院就肯定可以不用
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04/14/2005 postreply