回複:Contact on I907 better

來源: Nick8 2003-11-21 10:47:00 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (705 bytes)
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回答: Urgent!need help from WOjianNick82003-11-21 06:59:00
Yes, The lawyer(actually is the officier in university international office) told me he would file I907 to speed my case becasue initially I seeked my H1B vis a regular way on August,since there is always no response to my case, so I decided to go for Premium Processing.Then this phenomenon happened, the information online showed thatmy case being pending disappeared, and when I entered my case number, it says currently there is no information on this case number and hints it may be a wrong number.I am just little worry on my case becase the information online disapperaed but any way the time is still in the frame of 15 days.Do you think I will come across any problem with my application?



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