My thought is you'd better

來源: CWZPP 2005-04-05 13:23:17 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (680 bytes)
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tell the truth. The fact that your parents have other grandchildren in China can prove that they have strong connection in China, which might help to convince them that your parents will not stay in U.S.A.
Besides, where is your son born? If he is not born in U.S, then he has to apply for visa too, then the embassy will know that your son is coming. If he is born in U.S., I am not sure, but I always have a feeling that the Big Brother is tracking everybody, maybe, just mayby there is a way the embassy knows about your son, for he must have applied for a passport and then he has left for China?
Good luck to you and hope you can see your son and your parents soon.


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