Thanks a lot for you all!!!!!

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回答: 請教:父母探親簽證被拒qqssl2003-11-19 19:45:00
Thank you guys all for your advice!

I am in Pitt*****urgh, PA, so my parents want to come here. I am married, and hubby came here with J-2 first, then after my waiver, he switched to F-1, now got a job, so H-1b visa. no kids yet. VO asked one question twice, "why your daughter didn't come back when usually the 3-year visiting scholar visa end?", some other questions too such as how much is your retirement salary, how did your daughter get to US? how did your son-in-law get to US? so I am thinking if i could write a letter to VO and give them a reasonable explanation of why my project hasn't finished yet, maybe there is a chance they will get the visa....... what do you think???

appreciate all advices!



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