panic not

來源: autumli 2003-11-08 22:42:00 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (657 bytes)
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do not panic. i am in the same kind of situation. a few things you can do

stay here and wait for another LIFE ACT; or
find a US citizen to marry; or
immigrate to CANADA;or
just stay here

there are millions of undocumented aliens in the US. what is the difference between legal and ilegal aliens? just a piece of paper. see? just stay here and make some money and go home. or just go home if think you can make more money in China.

millions of ilegal mexicans in california, and they are going to get driver license! that is a good news for them

you can email me if you want to talk to me at



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