Hi 8老師:
我們的情況和這個貼幾乎一樣: https://zh.wenxuecity.com/bbs/immigration/624889.html
- 隻是我們在4/1 之前寄材料支票數目填少了,差了按指紋的錢, 因為算錯了父親的年齡(沒到79)
- 我們退回的文件下方也打了USCIS的編號和日期(03/29)
- 現在準備馬上要按新的收費標準寄出支票,現在I-485 ($1440) 和 I-131 ($630).
- 在那張綠紙上寫的:
- Since your submission was rejected, it is not yet considered properly filed.
- You must meet all requirements as of the date of the new filing.
- 在那張綠紙上寫的:
-Yes, you need to pay the new fee based on the notes in the Rejection Notice: I-485 ($1440) 和 I-131 ($630).