8老師新年快樂!我給媽媽美國境內申請130和485, 我想請教您幾個關於移民體檢的問題,非常感謝!
1. 我們住VA,可以去NJ或者NY去做移民體檢嗎?
-Yes, she needs to find the USCIS authorized doctor to conduct the physical examination no matter which state she takes the physical examination.
2. 我媽媽身體不好不能打疫苗,國內醫生開證明說處於免疫抑製狀態不建議接種疫苗並且做了公正。現在隻有2021年的中國三針covid還有一針肺炎疫苗。如果體檢醫生可以給apply waiver,移民局會批準waiver嗎
-Most of time, yes.
apply waiver會不會影響申請結果?
3. I693疫苗表page 12 Vaccination Record 最右邊有幾個column for “Blanket Waiver(s) to be Requested from USCIS (Not Medically Appropirate)", 分別是"not age-appropriate", "Contraindication", "Inssuficient Time Interval", 到時應該請醫生選哪個選項?
-Talk to the doctor who conducts the physical examination and provide the documents your mother got from the doctior's diagnosis in China.and Then, the doctor will take care of it.
4. I693疫苗表page 13, Part 10 Vaccination Record (continued),Remarks (if needed, provide any comments, such as the reason for contranidication)是不是這裏需要醫生填為什麽不能打疫苗?
-The doctor will take care of it.
這一頁還有三個選項, 是不是應該選a?
-The doctor will take care of it.
a. Applicant completed vaccination requirements or may be eligible for blanket waivers as indicated above.
b. Applicant will request an individual waiver based on religious or moral convictions.
c. Applicant does not meet immunization requirements