問題1 請問退休的話, Employment history 11 填Retired ? 還需要把原單位的地址,職位都填上嗎(12.a. to 14.b.)?
問題2 Part 5. Information about Your Marital History. 裏 2. If you are married, is your spouse a current member of the U.S. armed forces or U.S. Coast Guard? 如果配偶去世,是選N/A 還是No呢?
問題3 如果隻結過一次婚並且配偶過世,information About Your Current Marriage (4.a. to 10.) 都應該空著?然後把去世配偶信息填到 Information About Prior Marriages (11.a. to 16.c.) ? 需要注明 Deceased嗎?
問題4 Part 6. Information about Your Children. 打算130, 485 一起交,如果這樣的話是不是 3. A-Number 留空就好了?
問題5 61. Are you subject to the public charge ground of inadmissibility under INA section 212(a)(4)? 是要選YES吧?
問題6 67 List your certifications, licenses, skills obtained through work experience, and educational certificates. 父母也沒啥牛掰的證,用填嗎?