
來源: 863211 2023-11-12 08:21:31 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1781 bytes)
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回答: 8老師再問一下今天明天2023-11-11 22:39:23
我父母去年11月底回國,那麽他們必須在今年11月底之前回美嗎? 12月底之前就可以了呢?
-They need to return to US by end of November. But if they have to come back in the end of December, I think it is still OK. If the immigration officer at the port of entry asks why they return to US after one year, they may just explain to the immigration officer that your parent got illness (show them the treatment evidences) and also explain they did not get the air ticket before November, etc. If the officer does not ask this kind of question, do not say anything.
Anyway, it is fine for them to return to US by the end of December because normally the officer at the port of entry is compromised for only one month overstay in China.


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