I-131表格裏麵Part 2第一個問題是選1d,對麽?
1.a. I am a permanent resident or conditional resident of the United States, and I am applying for a reentry permit.
1.b. I now hold U.S. refugee or asylee status, and I am applying for a Refugee Travel Document.
1.c. I am a permanent resident as a direct result of refugee or asylee status, and I am applying for a Refugee Travel Document. I am applying for an Advance Parole Document to allow me to return to the United States after temporary foreign travel.
1.d. I am applying for an Advance Parole Document to allow me to return to the United States after temporary foreign travel.
1.f. I am applying for an Advance Parole Document for a person who is outside the United States. I am outside the United States, and I am apply
Part 3裏 Intended departure date 如果沒有確定怎麽填?現在表格隻能填日期,不能填TBD,一定要先選一個日期填的話,選個半年之後可以麽?然後expected length of trip填個30天,可以麽
另外,如果父母不打算在美國工作,是不是就不用申請EAD了? 直接Part 8 選no?