
回答: 綠卡的申請窗口rhino_horn2023-08-18 17:46:39

我的EB-3綠卡是的priority day 是2019-2-14。當時H1b沒有抽到所以被雇主relocate到了加拿大。現在priority day 已經current。雇主想用申請L1b的方式讓我回美國然後再做身份調整提交綠卡申請。但是雇主的L1b辦的有點慢,我有點擔心是否會來不及。公司的律師說綠卡申請沒有時間窗口限製,隻要priority day 變成current什麽時候申請都可以。我想問一下綠卡申請的時間窗口是多久(就是雇主最晚要什麽時候提交綠卡申請)。謝謝!

-The lawyer is right. There is no time limit for you to file I-485. You can file I-485 any time as long as your priority date is still current. But sometimes the 排期 may be retrogressed. If so, you need to wait for the priority date is current again to file I-485.
