
回答: 請教8老師和版友:I-485填表問題zz222023-07-21 12:58:39

公民辦父母移民,之前入境是H4, I-94 有效期到明年4月,但是另一半的H1B在三月被layoff,五月領到Severance package, 準備8月交親屬移民申請。下麵幾個問題請教8老師

Part 2, qestion 2, Are you applying for adjustment based on the Immigration and Nationlity Act(INA) section 245(i):  Yes or No   這裏應該選Yes 還是 No?因為H1B holder 已離開美國,H4目前算out of status 嗎?網上有律師說在i-94過期前不算illegal present,那這樣就要選“Yes”?

-Say "No". Your I-485 filing is not based one 245 (i). The lawyer is right-you are not unlawfully present. You are out of status if your spouse has no a job yet after he was laid off in March. But if he found a new job, then you are not ot of status even if he left US temporarily.

Part 8, 61. Are you subject to the public charge ground of inadmissibility under INA section 212(a)(4)? 這個應該選“YES” 對嗎?

-Correct, say "Yes".




感謝8老師解惑! -zz22- 給 zz22 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 07/21/2023 postreply 19:18:20
