請教一下8老師,今天終於收到了綠卡,但是聯係公司後他們拒絕匹配 I485-supplement J上填寫的工資。
-No negative effect.
2.如果繼續工作,薪水是I485-supplement J上填寫薪水的75%左右,報稅時會體現出來,這個是否有可能導致綠卡被吊銷,或者其他什麽結果
-Nobody will check it unless you complain it to Department of Labor. IRS only care about whether you pay the income tax based on the income in your W2.
3.如果決定需自己補稅,在報稅時交夠I485-supplement J 上填寫的工資,工作多長時間之後再離職,會相對安全?
-You only need to pay the income tax based on the annual income you actual receive. You can quit your job any time you want to.