“Explain how you or the beneficiary qualify for an Advance Parole Document and what circumstances warrant issuance for advance parole. ”因為哥哥在這裏住不慣, 但是又不想放棄綠卡, 想辦回美證保留綠卡! 請問這個問題該怎麽回答?
-This question is for advance parole application, not reentry permit which your brother is supposed to apply for. So, ignore this question. Read the I-131 Instructor carefully before you fill out the I-131 application form.
網上說如果交了費回美證不批準的話五百多刀是不退的。 所以想謹慎一些回答問題。 謝謝。 8 老師, 申辦回美證一定要求人在美國嗎?如果我哥先回國, 我幫他在這裏申請回美證可以嗎?
-Your brother must file I-131 within US, but he can leave US after he receives the I-131 Receipt Notice. Of course, he had better conduct the fingerprinting before he leaves US.