8老師你好。請教一下關於廣州使館麵試通知 和A表的排期有關嗎?
我家是F4 去年9月份就收到通知 上傳的文件都接收了 讓我們等廣州麵試通知。
-When your priority date was earlier than the cutoff date in B Form, NVC would ask you for the documents and fee.
半年過去也沒有通知麵試。是因為我家A表排期還不到嗎? 是不是一定要A表排期快到了 有了簽證名額 才有可能被安排麵試?
-Correct. Only your priority date is current based on A Form (i.e., your priority date is earlier than the cutoff date in A Form), will the NVC and the US Consulate make the appointment with you for the interview.
我需要聯係一下NVC問問狀況嗎?如果A表持續不動N年 孩子還會不會有age out的問題?
-No, the child's CSPA age was frozen because the child has filed DS 260 application for the immigrant visa with the parents already. That means the child will not be age-out anymore no matter how long it will take for the child to get the immigrant visa. No worrisome for this issue!
Previously, USCIS considered a child's age "frozen" if a visa number was available under the Final Action Date Chart (A Form) of the Visa Bulletin at the time the I-485 application or the DS 260 application was filed. Now, the USCIS Policy Manual has been updated to reflect that USCIS will instead use the Dates for Filing Chart (B Form) for calculating a child's age under CSPA. In other words, the child's age will be "frozen" when the I-485 application or DS 260 application is filed based on the Date of Filing Chart (B Form), even if a visa number is not yet available under the Final Action Chart (A Form).