
回答: 請教8老師,條件綠卡問題HouseMD2023-01-15 20:57:13

太太拿綠卡的時間和孩子不一樣,所以不能同時申請條件綠卡condition removal。


1. support materials用什麽?用太太申請的全套material就可以嗎,還是孩子要自己的material?如果是,哪方麵的?

-Proivde the same documents as the onces for your wife including the filing fee, etc., but the child also needs to submit a full explanation as to why he/she are filing I-751 separately, and provide the copy of the child's birth certificate and your marriage certificate with the child's mother.

2. 需要孩子和繼父的合影之類 的嗎?

-Not need.

繼父是不是需要給一個statement之類的,support孩子的申請?-Not need. The child's I-751 approval will depend/rely on your wife's I-751 apprvoal.

