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回答: 感謝感謝。8老師再請進稀裏糊塗麻麻糊糊2022-11-01 15:49:18

真是抱歉,考古了一下,發現幾年前問了您同樣的問題,您回答了,可是我忘了這碼事兒,所以今天又問了一遍。實在是太抱歉啦。您上次的回答是file I-90. 請問現在還可以file I-90 更正嗎?

-Yes, you still can file I-90. But because your green card has been issued for a longer time, you had better call USCIS to see what they suggest before you file I-90, ESPECAILLY you may ask them whether the mistake on your green card category affects your N-400 or not if it is not fixed. If it does not affect n-400, then you do not need to do anything. Because it was USCIS's mistake, they may give you compromise (they have all of your record, anyway) and thus, you may just file N-400 and do nothing. 

By the way, it may take a 16 months for USCIS to process your I-90 and you may need to pay the filing fee.


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