我正在給父母交款 AOS fee & IV application fee. 父親的那一份已經交完,在給母親賬號繳費時, 又看到單獨的AOS $120. 請問是否兩個人就兩份AOS? 考古看到別人都是父母二人隻要交一次AOS即可。 請問我是哪裏沒有填對嗎?謝謝指教!
-You need to pay anothe AOS fee of $120 separeately for your mother. See the following I cited at the NVC website:
NVC Fee Payment FAQs (state.gov)
I paid the AOS fee for one case; do I have to pay the same fee for my other cases?
You must pay the Affidavit of Support fee for each case unless you are petitioning for your spouse and/or child(ren) and submit your Affidavit of Support for each case to the NVC at the same time.