現在NVC審核係統的操作令人非常沮喪,每一次civil文檔被打回來,重新上傳文檔後的再審核又需要重新排隊,少則兩個月。期間,NVC關閉了email或phone的溝通渠道,隻留了所謂的Public Form, 但實踐證明那個Form方式沒有任何用處,除了收到自動回複以外。我父親的case現在就屬於這狀況,前次上傳的一份公證被挑刺說不特別清楚給打回來,邃重新上傳,接下來又是一波慢長的等待..
請教白老師,對於這種情況, 除了無助的等待,難到真的沒有其他有效的應對辦法嗎?謝謝
-You cannot do anything about it. Just wait.
As I said, your mother can enter US to live with you for a few days and apply for the driver license, then go back to Canada to stay with your father. Then, they can come to US together after your father gets the immigrant visa (if it takes place within one year after your mother leaves US).