
回答: 8 老師請幫忙weiagl2022-08-06 11:33:33
我的一位朋友有Removal Proceedings 曆史, 但在Arlington的移民法庭得到法官的dismissed。她的綠卡五年多都沒批下來。律師告訴她需要到Arlington的 “Office of the Principal Legal Advisor", ask them to grant her proprietorial discretion in the form of agreeing to join a motion to terminate her removal proceedings so that she can adjust her status with USCIS."  請問律師說的對嗎? 她自己是否需要與OPLA交談? 迫切希望得到您的建議並衷心感謝您的幫助。
-I don't known whether your friend's dismissed removal proceedings was just terminated by the immigration judge. If yes, she needs to do what the lawyer's suggested.
If the immigration judge had granted her asylum status at the same time with the removal proceedings dismissed, then she does not need to see the OPLA.
I think the lawyer knows her case well, so she  should do what the lawyer suggested.