8老師你好。我給我妹,妹夫外甥辦移民,還有幾個864表的問題想請教一下。我理解為需要填兩份864表,一份給我妹,一份給妹夫和外甥。可我看網上的例子,把Part 3的 1 選Yes後,把2也選了,Family member1和2都填在一張864表裏。
-It is also fine to do that.
如果填兩份864, 那麽Part 3要分別填嗎(一份填1=yes,另一份填2和family member)?還是都填上,兩份表Part 3一樣?
-If you file two I-864, then select "Yes" in Item 1 in the I-824 for your sister and then, leave the Family Member items blank of Part 3.; select "2" of Part 4 for your sister's family members and fill their information in Family Member items.
If you only file one I-864 for your sister and her family members, then select "Yes" in Item 1 and also select Item 2, then fill the family member information there.
填一樣的話Part 5 Household size也改變了。
移民論壇: Reply - 由863211發表 - 文學城 (wenxuecity.com)
Part5的4,關於dependent children。我孩子已經超過21歲了,不過還在讀書,21年是以我們dependent報稅的。可instruction說21歲以下的孩子才是dependent,那還需要加我孩子在household 嗎?他超過21歲。
-Because he has no job and still be supported by you, you need to put him as the dependent.
我的收入夠擔保,是不是表上所有填收入的地方,都填我W2 box1 的收入?-Yes.
這個數字和tax return的gross income接近,但不完全相同。我已經下載了tax transcript,我們是夫妻一起報稅,我還得提供3年的W2?
-Only the tax return (joint return in your case) and W2 of 2021 aere required, and the tax rerturn and W2 of 2020 and 2019 are optuional (had better also provide them to prove your income is consistent each year).
提供tax transcript就不需要tax return了吧?
是不是還必須提供employment verification letter和6個月的pay sub?
-Need to provide your current employment verification letter from your employer, not need paycheck stub.