8 老師,re-entry permit renewal, 三月出收到信說已經 fingerprint taken ,然後到現在一直沒有批準的回複, case status 上顯示在review中。我現在人已經離境。 如果六個月內還沒答複,我是不是必須回國一趟? 還是可以等到聖誕再回美國,不會有出境超時的問題? 到聖誕就離開9 個月了,今年在美國初在美國呆了一個半月。 請老師指教。第二次延期一般會給多長時間? 第一次給了兩年。。
-You cannot stay outside US for one year continuously unless your reentry permit is approved. So, you need to return to US before your stay in China reaches one year if your reentry permit is still not approved at that time. It is fine for your stay in China for > 6 months < one year even if your rrentry permit applicaiton is still pending.