請教8老師: 我綠卡多年, 但近2年中, 有1年多的時間不在美國 with re-entry permit,申請公民, 有問題嗎?
-Yes. Because you stayed outside US for more than one year continuously, your residene continuity has been disrupted. You need to wait for at least 4 years and one day (for regular green card holder) or 2 years and one day (for the people who married US citizen to get the green card) from the date you came back to US to be qualified for the US citizenship application.
-You need to meet the Continuous residene and physical presence requirements. See this link:
Continuous Residence and Physical Presence Requirements for Naturalization | USCIS
See this link for the Four Year and One day Rule:
Continuous Residence and Physical Presence Requirements (citizenpath.com)