
回答: 申請EB2 NIW 資格gianna2022-04-09 19:06:42

8老師 您好!

我有個問題想要請教一下,我今年碩士畢業,還沒找到工作 想直接申請EB2 NIW 我這個條件申請通過幾率大嗎?

我是中部一個州立大學雙碩士畢業,一個是數據分析類的碩士文憑,另一個是MBA。另外在校期間修了特定課程,取得了data analyst 的 certificate。 績點 4.0 。 應該也可以找到教授寫好的推薦信。

請問8老師 我這樣的條件 申請通過niw 的幾率大嗎? 謝謝!

-Your case is somewhat weak at present. Good recommendation letters are important, but it is not enough. You still need some achievements to prove you have the ability or potential to make contributions in your area such as publications and citation records, industrial patents, govenment funding/grants, professional organization memberships, awards, etc. 

Here is a related article for your information:

Requirements For Petitioning For the National Interest Waiver (
