
回答: 8老師, 周末好!新手上路20202022-03-13 14:24:49

上次請教我的兄弟移民的問題, 今天查有一個兄弟的簽證中心網賬戶頁麵有一個通知, (附上圖片), 之前的incomplete已經不見了, 顯示所有文件accepted。我的問題是現在才3月份, 排期是2007年1月27日, 為什麽說要停止processing?我要請律師介入嗎?

-Based on the Summary Information you provided, the processing suspension is due to no visa number availabe at this point (i.e., 排期倒退)。 The current 排期 for March 2022  is March 22, 2007 and that means if your priority date (e.g., Jan. 27, 2007) is earlier than March 22, 2007, then NVC made a mistake to suspend your case. Thus, you may contact NVC to see what happened in the Summary Information and ask them to continue to process your case.

