
回答: 緊急請問8 老師Barley2022-02-25 07:34:55

8 老師我申請加急re-entry permit, 申請到USCIS 後兩天我看見我的check 被cashed in , 是不是證明已經接受我的加急處理了?



-Check the case status using the receipt number online (you may find the receipt# on your cashed payment check before you get the receipt notice):

Case Status Online - Case Status Search (

2. 我在hold re-entry permit, 人在國外期間可以給我的未成年孩子重新申請綠卡嗎? 因為疫情孩子已經超過兩年沒有入境美國。 盡管我一直在交美國的稅, 期間也買過回美國的票和孩子一起回來, 後來因為疫情原因取消了,不知道可不可以用這些去申請恢複綠卡,還是重新申請更快? 孩子是在加拿大出生的, 重新申請綠卡是不是比申請恢複綠卡更快, 更方便呢?

-Your kid can re-apply for the green card, but he/she needs to abandon the current green card first eevn if this green card is technically void. Also, when your kid is interviewed for the immigrant visa, you need to conince the visa officer that you will rteturn to US and live in US permanently before your kid get the green card or come back to US together with your kid after he/she gets the immigrant visa.

