
孩子還在加拿大上學, 六月底才能回國,不能請假一起去麵試。請問申請改期麵試是去網站還是打電話? 可否給個網站鏈接,或電話號碼。廣州領事館網站搜索不到相關信息。十分感謝!

Read the following at this link:

U.S. Consulate General Guangzhou, China - GUZ (

Rescheduling or cancelling your interview

If you are unable to attend your appointment, please email us as soon as possible using our online inquiry formThere may be a significant wait before the next available appointment, so please attempt to attend the date already assigned. For some family-based and employment preference visa categories, a visa could become available within the month you have been scheduled by NVC. There is no guarantee that a visa will still be available on the date of your rescheduled interview. Please carefully consult the Visa Bulletin before you decide to reschedule you interview.


多謝8老師! -dic2mlh- 給 dic2mlh 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 02/25/2022 postreply 05:58:30
