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回答: More questionsEMSWhite2022-01-24 15:19:14



還是如果我們能提供一些文件來證明她仍有永久居留美國的意願, 她的綠卡還有希望保持?

-No. If her stay outside US continuously is for less than one year, she is considered to have the intent to live US pernanetly and thus, she does not have any trouble to re-enter US.

If her continuous stay outside US is for > 6 months > one year, she may be considered not to have the intent to live US peranently and thus, she needs to show/prove she still has the intent to live US pernanetly such as to prove her tight connection to US. So, "證明仍有永久居留美國的意願" is only needed for the situation of stay outside US for > 6 months < one year.

If she stayes outside US without reentry permit for > one year continuously, her green card will be void no matter what because she is considered to abandon the green card automatically. Of course, as I said in the previous response, she can apply for SB-1 visa to come back to US to reinstate her green card if she can convince the VO that she was unable to return to US on time due to XXX reasons out of her control which prevent her return to US on time..

還有萬一她仍無法返美導致綠卡最後失效, 以後還可以通過我的綠卡重新申請嗎?

-Yes, of course. She may just aabndon the void green card and then, apply for B2 visa to come back and apply for the green card later, or you just file I-130 to sponsor her to apply for the immigrant visa to come back to become a green card holder directly.




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