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-Two choices in your case:
1. One choice is that your daughter needs to file two I-130, one for you and another for your son, respectively. Your immigration visa has no 排期, but your son 需要排期 based on 兄弟姐妹排期 which may take about 12 years.
2. Another choice (the best choice) is that your daughter only files one I-130 for you and you enter US using immigration visa, then your son applies for B2 visa to enter US. Because your son is minor and needs your custody, he should be easy to get the B2 visa. Then, you can file I-130 and your son can file I-485 to get the green card after he enters US for 3 months later. In this case, your son 排期 is very short (sometimes there is no 排期 or one to two-year 排期).
If your son cannot get the B2 visa, you still can file I-130 fro him to apply for the immigrant visa in China to enter US after you become a green card holder, which may take one to two years based on the current 排期. If you don't have enough income to sponsor your son, your daughter can be the joint sponsor to provide the financial support for your son.


謝謝八老師指點,非常感謝。順祝聖誕平安,新年快樂。 -DOC_ONE- 給 DOC_ONE 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 12/25/2021 postreply 23:19:00

再請教一下,我和兒子都有十年B簽,我可以帶著他先入境,等女兒給我申請了以後,再申請他嗎?或者必須等我批準綠卡才可以申請他?謝謝您 -DOC_ONE- 給 DOC_ONE 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/08/2022 postreply 07:35:00

Reply -863211- 給 863211 發送悄悄話 863211 的博客首頁 (780 bytes) () 01/09/2022 postreply 10:14:03

再次感謝,這些信息對我們太重要了,謝謝八老師,提前向您問候中國新年好 -DOC_ONE- 給 DOC_ONE 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/19/2022 postreply 01:50:00

最近有朋友提醒我,如果帶兒子使用B2入境後讓他讀公立學校,將來綠卡會有問題,請問八老師有這樣的說法嗎?再次感謝您。 -DOC_ONE- 給 DOC_ONE 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 03/01/2022 postreply 06:39:00



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