老師您好。 我想請教您一個親屬移民問題。 我們給姐姐辦的親屬移民。 她收到了麵試通知。 因為一些事情她需要延期麵試時間。可有個擔心,她的孩子已經23歲了。請問您知不知道這種移民的年齡限製? 這個移民年齡是怎麽計算的?
-Yes, there is age limit for the child, but it seems you niece should have no age-out porblem (.i.e. she is qualified for the immigrantion benefits).
The child's CSPA age = the child's actual age when the I-130 priority date is current - I-130 pending days
(Note: I-130 pending days = I-130 approval notice issued date - I-130 receipt date)
If the child's CSPA age < 21, then the child is not age-out. When the child filed DS 260, then her CSPA age was frozen. That means she has no age-out problem anymore no matter what day she will be interviewed.