我是美國公民, 我幫助父母辦理的移民簽證, 我父親收到了NVC的email 說要月底去廣州麵簽, 但是因為廣州疫情, 而且我母親的簽證也沒下來, 請問如何才能改時間呢? 可以以疫情為借口來延期嗎? 怎麽延期? 問了廣州的領館說要email, 但就沒有消息了, 打電話給NVC說一定要領館來處理才行, 這樣怎麽辦, 急! 謝謝
-You need to contact NVC and the US Consulate, and explain your reasons for wanting to reschedule. You must provide your case number or application number and let them know of a time that is convenient for you so they can try to get you that appointment. The NVC and the US Consulate, however, will schedule the appointments at the next available timeslot if the one you are requesting is not available.