2006年因為和室友吵架被arrest過,但沒有charge,入籍麵試時被提及,所以入籍還沒有被批準,顯示是還沒有完成,現在收到N400的表格,但上麵要求Submit originals or certified copies from September 9,2009 to present of all criminal records and court dispositions showing how ecah incident was resolved.那2009年之後沒有任何的問題,是不是就填No,不需要提供2006年arrest的文件了,對嗎?萬分感謝!
-Because the IO who interviewed you asked for your arrest documents, you had better provide the documents as I suggested in my response to your previous post, i.e. provide the arrest record from the Police Department and court decision for your arrest in 2006, in case your case is denied due to missed dcouments.