朋友十幾年前剛到美國不久和美國室友 有過一次爭吵,室友半夜聽搖滾,朋友學習壓力大,總之就吵起來了,鄰居報警,當時英語也不流利,然後朋友就被關進去了兩天,後來撤訴了,找工作,申綠卡都沒任何問題,結果這次考公民麵試的時候又提到了這個事情,麵試官問我有沒有被arrest過,我說沒有,因為完全忘了這碼事,然後和我提了這個事情,又問我有沒有charge,我說沒有,然後就說會郵寄個N14表,讓提供信息,所以入籍還沒有被批準,顯示是還沒有完成,
-After receiving the Form N-14, just complete it and provide the required documents (USCIS will address it in the letter with N-14) such as the arrest record from the Police Department and the court decision (no charge). Then, it will be fine. The case is very small and it took place long time ago, so it should not affect the US citizenship application approval. No worrisome!
-No in this case.
要不要請律師,-Not at all. Save your money.