請教八老師 - H-1B 申請的 I-129 填表


正在填寫 I-29,

本人現用TN工作,I-140 剛剛寄出三星期。HR告知支票已經CHARGE 了。但不知道什麽時候才能拿到RECEIPT NUMBER。想請教八老師, 這樣的情況這麽填寫 PART 4.

7. Have you ever filed an immigrant petition for any beneficiary in this petition?

選YES, how many 填 1.

在PART 9 中填寫,

XXX company has filed an immigrant petition for Mr./Ms. XXX. The Form I-140 of Mr. XXX's petition has been developed and received by USCIS on (date). The receipt number of Form I-140 has not been received.

不知道可不可以?還是必須等收到receipt number 再 file I-129?






Reply -863211- 給 863211 發送悄悄話 863211 的博客首頁 (2499 bytes) () 05/14/2021 postreply 12:22:57

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