1, 公民的A#,還用填嗎?-Not need.
2,受益人的SSN那一項,如果沒有SSN,但是以前申請過稅號,要填這個稅號嗎?還是不用填?-Leave it blank.
3,Was the beneficiary ever in the U.S., 如果以前來過美國的,是不是要答yes,如果答yes,後麵還要填很多旅行護照i94信息。
-Say "Yes" and provide the required travel information.
4,at what city will you apply for immigration visa, 是需要填 guangzhou, guangdong, China嗎?-Correct.
5,have you applied a petition for this beneficiary, 如果以前辦過B2延期,填過i539表,需要在這裏寫嗎?還是這裏的petition就是專指綠卡的?
-Say "No".
6, are you submitting separate petition for other relatives? 如果同時還為其他家人辦理,需要把名字寫上嗎?-Yes if you file another/separate I-130 for the other relatives.